Friday, January 29, 2021

Swap nodes withoud swapping data


1. First, we will search the nodes x,y. 

2. If they are not present in the linked list, do nothing.

3. While searching for x and y keep track of the current and previous pointers.

4. First change the next of the previous pointer and then change the next of the current pointer.


Class node{}

void swapnode(node** head_ref, int x, int y)


//do nothing if both are same

if (x==y) return 0; 

//search for X and keep track of previous and current pointer

node *prevx= NULL, *currx= *head_ref;

while(currx && currx->data !=x)


prevx=currx; currx= currx->next;


//search for Y and keep track of the previous and current pointer

node *prevy=NULL, *curry=*head_ref;

while(prevy && curry->data)


 prevy= curry; curry= curry->next;


//if both X Y  are absent do nothing

if(currx==NULL || curry==NULL ) return;

//if x is not head of list

if(prevx!= NULL) prevx->curry;

else  *head_ref =curry; //make y as newhead

//if y is not head of list

if(prevy!=NULL) prevy->next= currx; 

else  *head_ref = currx;


//swap next pointers

node *temp = curry->next;

curry->next= currx->next;

currx->next= temp;


void push(node** head_ref, int new_data){}

void printlist(node* head) {} 

int main() {}


A little optimization

void swap(node *& a, node *& b)

{ node *temp= a; a=b; b= temp;


void swapnode(node **head_ref, int x, int y)

{ if(x==y) return;

//search x,y and store their pointers in a and b



if((*head_ref)->data==x){ a=head_ref;}

else if((*head_ref)->data==y) {b= head_ref;}

head_ref = &((*head_ref)->next);

} //while ends

//if a, b found, swap current and next pointer of these

if(a && b) 

   swap(*a, *b); 

swa(((*a)->next), ((*b)->next));



int main() {}


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