Swap nodes withoud swapping data
1. First, we will search the nodes x,y.
2. If they are not present in the linked list, do nothing.
3. While searching for x and y keep track of the current and previous pointers.
4. First change the next of the previous pointer and then change the next of the current pointer.
Class node{}
void swapnode(node** head_ref, int x, int y)
//do nothing if both are same
if (x==y) return 0;
//search for X and keep track of previous and current pointer
node *prevx= NULL, *currx= *head_ref;
while(currx && currx->data !=x)
prevx=currx; currx= currx->next;
//search for Y and keep track of the previous and current pointer
node *prevy=NULL, *curry=*head_ref;
while(prevy && curry->data)
prevy= curry; curry= curry->next;
//if both X Y are absent do nothing
if(currx==NULL || curry==NULL ) return;
//if x is not head of list
if(prevx!= NULL) prevx->curry;
else *head_ref =curry; //make y as newhead
//if y is not head of list
if(prevy!=NULL) prevy->next= currx;
else *head_ref = currx;
//swap next pointers
node *temp = curry->next;
curry->next= currx->next;
currx->next= temp;
void push(node** head_ref, int new_data){}
void printlist(node* head) {}
int main() {}
A little optimization
void swap(node *& a, node *& b)
{ node *temp= a; a=b; b= temp;
void swapnode(node **head_ref, int x, int y)
{ if(x==y) return;
//search x,y and store their pointers in a and b
if((*head_ref)->data==x){ a=head_ref;}
else if((*head_ref)->data==y) {b= head_ref;}
head_ref = &((*head_ref)->next);
} //while ends
//if a, b found, swap current and next pointer of these
if(a && b)
swap(*a, *b);
swa(((*a)->next), ((*b)->next));
int main() {}
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