Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Ubuntu commands that no one will tell you

 Hello folks! Hope you all are doing well.

In my previous post, we learn some basic ubuntu commands that a beginner should know. So first we will revise those commands first. The Ubuntu terminal commands are below:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install pip
sudo apt-get update pip
sudo apt-get upgrade pip
dpkg --list
sudo apt-get remove pip
sudo apt-get purge pip
sudo apt-get autoremove 
cd/  [go to the root directory]
cd..   [go to one directory up]
cd --   [go to the previous directory]
cp blog /documents
mv blog/documents
rmdir Vikas
rm -r Vikas

So these were the commands for ubuntu beginners. Today we will learn more about such helpful commands. So without any further due, let's get started.

1. df

df is basically a display filesystem. It helps the user to get info about disk space usage of all mounted filesystems.

2. du

du is directory usage. It will display the size of a directory and the size of its all the sub dir.

3. free

This is the best ubuntu or Linux command the user can use to get the info about the free space available on their system.

4. uname -a

It provides a wide range of basic and advanced information about users' systems.

5. top

In order to display the processes that are using the most resources of the system at any given time, use this top command. After that, you can press q to quit.

6. man

The man command is used to show the manual page.  Now you must be wondering what good is that! So manual pages are the detailed pages and they are recommended to be read for any unknown command. 


man man: it gives info about the manual.

man intro: it gives a brief intro about the Linux commands.

7. info

It is similar to the man command. But prefer this "info" command if you want specific and more detailed information.

8. [command name] -h

If you know the name of a command but do not know about its use. Then use this command. It will provide a quick overview of that command and will also list down its uses


sudo -h

9. passwd

This command should be used when the user wants to change the password of a specific user. 

NOTE: The user must know the username of the user for which he wants to change the password.


passwd [vikas]

10. whatis

This Linux command should be used to know the brief description of a specific built-in Linux command. 


whatis sudo

whatis cd

whatis man

So these are some more Linux ubuntu commands. 



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