NASA's TOILET Challenge-Win $35000
To astronauts go back to the Moon in 2024! seeks new designs for a toilet that will work both in microgravity and lunar gravity.
Zero Gravity is the condition when we can't feel Gravity which is the condition of Weightlessness. Both the lunar Gravity and microgravity are are completely different terms.
Lunar Gravity refers to the gravity of the moon. And the gravity of the moon is 1/6 of the gravity of the Earth.
Microgravity is a condition of very low gravity, especially approaching weightlessness.
In lunar and microgravity, The astronauts will be eating and drinking, and subsequently urinating and defecating.
They will need a toilet that has all the same capabilities as ones here on Earth. so they are seeking for novel designs of the toilets that can be operated in both lunar and microgravity.
So NASA is appealing to the next generation of space explorers, engineers, and scientists, and they know that students may think about this design problem without the same constraints as adults.
In addition to the main Technical category, this challenge will have a Junior category. To submit to the Junior category, you must be less than 18 and you must be at least 18 to submit the technical category
The specifications listed below represent the maximum allowed values. Proposed designs should at least meet them and will preferentially be lower than them. The toilet design should:
⚡ Function in both microgravity and lunar gravity
⚡ Have a weight of less than 15 Kg in Earth’s gravity
⚡ Occupy a volume no greater than 0.12 m3
⚡ Consume less than 70 Watts of power
⚡ Operate with a noise level less than 60 decibels (no louder than an average bathroom fan)
⚡Accommodate both female and male users
⚡ Accommodate users ranging from 58 to 77 inches tall and 107 to 290 lbs in weight
NASA is looking for a design that captures all the functionality of a toilet on Earth. At a minimum, crew using lunar toilets should not be exposed to vacuum during use, and toilet designs should be able to:
⚡Accommodate simultaneous urination and defecation
⚡Collect up to 1 liter of urine per use, with an average of 6 uses per crew per day
⚡Accommodate 500g of fecal matter per defecation, with an average of 2 uses per crew per day
⚡Accommodate 500g of diarrhea per event
⚡Accommodate an average of 114g of female menses, per crew per day
⚡Stabilize urine to avoid the generation of gas and particulates
⚡Accommodate crew use of toilet hygiene products, like toilet paper, wipes, and gloves
⚡Be clear of previous user’s urine and feces in preparation for the next use
⚡Allow for the transfer of collected waste to storage and/or provide for external vehicle disposal. Minimal Lander volume requires regularly minimizing waste storage or removing it from the vehicle
⚡Allow for easy cleaning and maintenance, with 5 minute turnaround time or less between uses
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