Thursday, March 26, 2020

COVID 19 Solution Challenge by Govt. of India

Hello and welcome back to the coronavirus update. After the success of the Janta Curfew!, now it is the time to be a part of the mission against Coronavirus once again.

coronavirus solution challenge

Government of India is taking all necessary steps to ensure that we are prepared well to face the challenge and threat posed by the growing pandemic of COVID 19 – the Corona Virus. With the active support of the people of India, we have been able to contain the spread of the virus in our country.

The most important factor in preventing the spread of the Virus locally is to empower the citizens with the right information and taking precautions as per the advisories being issued by the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare. Further, we are also getting inputs with regard to individuals and companies who have developed technologies and innovative solutions, Bioinformatics, datasets, Apps for diagnosis etc that can be leveraged for strengthening the fight against Corona.

In order to involve the community in the fight against the Virus, we would want you to share your solutions to help fight #Coronavirus. Submitted solutions will be evaluated for adoption and those selected will be suitable rewarded.

Eligibility Criteria
Applicants who want to participate in COVID 19 Solution Challenge can be individuals or Startups that comply with the definition of a startup as notified by DPIIT vide order no G.S.R. 127(E) dated 19th February 2019.
For the product to be developed as part of COVID 19 Solution Challenge, if any IPR/Patent is being used, contesting entity must possess the legitimate rights to use the IPR/Patents.
MyGov will have the right to chose all submitted solutions and consider it for deployment by scaling it up if found feasible.

Prize Money
1st prize: Rs 1,00,000/-
2nd prize: Rs 50,000/-
3rd prize: Rs 25,000/-

How to Register?
Interested applicants can participate in the challenge through this link.

Important Dates
Challenge Launch: March 16, 2020
Last Date of Participation: March 31, 2020

Relevant link: Best Tools for fast prototyping in Hackathons


Thursday, March 19, 2020

Janta Curfew on 22nd March

Hello and welcome to the coronavirus updates. Now it is the time for janta curfew as declared  by our prime minister Modiji. Many people have been found behaving casually with respect to the cornavirus pandemic. 

For this you should also know What is a curfew?
A curfew is a regulation requiring people to remain indoors between specified hours, typically at night

Following are the points to remember in support of the janta curfew:

*Janta curfew is going to be on 22nd march Sunday from morning 7am to night 9pm.

*Janta curfew is a curfew by janta for the sake of janta to prevent them from coronavirus.

*On 22nd march, in order to support janta curfew, people have to keep themselves at their home.

*Don't make or gather in large groups.

*However, persons involved in special services like government officials, ration shops, malls etc might not follow this janta curfew.

*With the help of this janta curfew, our preparedness against coronavirus will be checked

*Inform other 10 people about this janta curfew .  


Sunday, March 15, 2020

Best Tools for fast prototyping in Hackathons

Hello and welcome to the tech desk of guiding point. This post is all about wireframing and creating a prototype of an app/ website before actually coding it. Well you must know what is a prototype. A prototype is a small working model of the actual project.

Creating a prototype will tell the requirements of the actual project. The developers /designers can use the prototyping tools in hackathons, startups or in business. Like for college students, they can create a prototype of their own project before jumping to the coding part.

Some of the most commonly used prototyping tools in the industry for UX

  •  Invision- Runs on web. It is the best adoptable prototyping tool I have personally used.  You can see the prototype I created using Invision. We can create prototypes for android, iOS and web. 

       My protoype on Invision- AR MAPS

  •  Adobe XD- Its cost is free. Runs on  windows, Android, iOS , OS X and we can create prototypes for multiple platforms.
  • Sketch - best mac OS  tool for rapid protyping
  • Balsamiq- one of the best tool for creating and sharing wireframes.
  • - It is another online tool for creating instant wireframes. This web service provides a simple and easy way to create wireframes with the power of virtual board and different designs.
I personally recommend Invision for the prototyping of the apps or websites.Hope you enjoyed the article, please do share for more fresh content.

Friday, March 13, 2020

Delhi Schools, colleges and cinema halls shut till march 31 due to covid19

Hello and welcome to the updates desk of the blog. This post is regarding the shutting of the delhi schools, colleges and cinema halls till march 31st due to coronavirus. 

First of all Say No to panic and say Yes to Precautions

1. As the coronavirus / COVID19  cases are increasing in number , delhi government has declared holidays till march 31.

2. So far India confirmed 73 patients being attacked by the coronavirus. Many foreign flights and visas has been cancelled and delayed to prevent the spread of corona virus

3. As per delhi government orders, all educational institutions like schools, colleges ITI's (government/private), coaching centres will be closed till march 31.

4. Apart from this , the cinema halls have been shut to reduce the spread of corona.

5. However, the Boards exams, colleges end term/semester exams will not be cancelled. The students can be asked to give the above exams

6. Also, Non essential travel and Large gatherings should be avoided to stay away from coronavirus


Monday, March 9, 2020

AcadBoost - Your Mentor for Lifetime :)

Hello and welcome back to the updates section of the Guiding Point. In this post, I am introducing another notable mentor for the overall growth of the learners- Acadboost by Kalpit Veerwal.

These days students at all levels really lack a right guidance. Either it is school, college, JEE/ Medical/ or any other entrance. There are some whose parents are unaware of their child's true potential.

Why AcadBoost ?
* Acadboost is maintained by the JEE AIR 1-Kalpit  Veerwal. 

* Amazingly crafted articles are written on the topics like Boards, Computer Science , Productivity, Entrepreneurship, NEET, College,etc.

* Proper guidance is given by the people from premier educational institutes like IITs and AIIMS.

* Regular articles are published to solve different problems of students in schools and colleges .

* Whenever you take any decision for your career, make sure you have proper knowledge about different fields and for that I would suggest AcadBoost.

Hope the article is helpful and fun too especially for  students in middle and high schools. 


Saturday, March 7, 2020

How to prevent Corona-Virus

As we know that coronavirus is spreading its roots like a fire in the forest. Corona is behaving like flu. So basic precautions are really important to maintain hygiene.

This post is going to be helpful for those who are really worried.  And this COVID20 case looks a really dangerous case but we know that  Prevention is better than Cure. So I have listed down some common steps  for prevention from coronavirus.

coronoavirus 2020

*Wash your hands before touching on eyes or mouth. You can use hand sanitizers for this.

* Instead of handshake, you can prefer Namaste.

*Wear masks as a means of precaution from Coronavirus.

*Eating less dairy products including Chicken, meat and eggs can help you from prevention.

*Perform exercises for a better immune system.

*Avoid hugging and wash your hands after coming to home from outside.

*Gargle with salt water/ hot water/ vinegar to prevent corona

Hope this so called diseases Coronavirus gets away as soon as possible. If you liked the post the how to tutorial, do share it for more fresh content.

Other links-
Control Your PC using Command Prompt
Free Online Courses with Free Certificates


Free Online Courses || FREE CERTIFICATES

Welcome to the tech-desk of my blog Guiding Point. This post is going to be really fun and helpful for the learners especially the students section.

As we know that in today's world practical knowledge is much more required as compared from the theoretical knowledge. I am not saying that theoretical knowledge is not required or is less important as compared to the practical knowledge. 

Getting free courses enriched with practical knowledge and certificates will be highly useful in adding to your resume and profile.. 

Without wasting time lets get to the steps:
1. Firstly go to the site where you will get paid courses for free!(by using free coupons)

free courses free certificates

2. There in the editors choice, you can see different courses and their respective prices, ratings, timings and other things.

3. Like I am trying a course on MS excel. I can see its rating , course duration and all.

4. From there, click on Get coupon and then you can start your favorite course.

Only these 4 steps are required to enroll in your favorite course. You can also try the "most enrolled",  "few remaining ", sections of this website. 

Hope this tutorial was fun and interesting for you. If you liked and enjoyed the how to tutorial, do share it for more fresh content.
